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Common Ground

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Common Ground Gallatin Gateway Gravel Pit Montana.

Throughout this challenging process, I’ve had many enlightening interactions with my neighbors, revealing that we share many common concerns. These discussions often begin with skepticism and distrust toward myself and the gravel pit project. This reaction is understandable, given the largely one-sided media narratives and the tactics employed by some opponents. I deeply empathize with those swayed by such methods. My neighbors are passionate and sincere in their beliefs, and I see our dialogues as educational opportunities. Through them, we foster mutual understanding. I appreciate many concerns about living next to a gravel pit and these conversations have been invaluable in deepening my understanding of all viewpoints involved.

My primary frustration does not stem from the proposed pitfalls associated with the gravel pit but from those who claim virtuous motivation for self serving behavior, which has stifled an open community dialogue. This has sown seeds of division and tarnished our trust. When pressed for concrete evidence to back up claims about the project’s impact on road safety, wildlife, water quality, or human health, these individuals always falter. This lack of evidence highlights the manipulation at play, leading to unnecessary tension and mistrust where there should be collaboration. Silence on my part is not an option. It would only exacerbate the erosion of trust in our community, which is why I address these issues openly in many of my blog posts.

I want to clarify my motivations, which I see as threefold:

Financial Sustainability: 

The rapid escalating costs associated with running our ranch have pushed me to explore new avenues to maintain financial stability. Despite receiving lucrative offers, selling is not an option for me at this time. Alternatives like conservation easements, which I have critiqued extensively at the link at the end of this article, do not align with our needs or vision.

Environmental Enhancement

We are committed to mining responsibly and implementing a thorough reclamation plan that will improve the current state of the land. Modern agricultural practices do not reflect my vision for this land. I aim to enhance soil health, biodiversity, and water quality through an extensive reclamation project that employs regenerative practices and reintroduces native flora and fauna.


My deepest desire is to leave this land better than I received it, not just for my own family but for the entire Gateway community. This commitment is rooted in what my forefathers did for me and my faith that Christ is King. My job is to be a good steward and not bury my talents, but rather take dominion, be fruitful, and multiply these blessing for us and our neighbors. The gravel pit will not only provide vital job opportunities in Gateway but will also reclaim and rejuvenate the landscape.

Mistakes will be made, and there will be blind spots in my understanding. Therefore, I invite everyone to engage openly on our website, on social media, or contact me directly. When you do, please provide specific evidence to support your claims. General accusations without proof will only hinder progress as a community. I will not censor or delete your comments and will do my best to address them thoughtfully. Let’s focus on one issue at a time, grow as a community, and leave something better for our kiddos.


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