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Volume Can’t Mask the Void of Truth

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Opponents Image from Digging Deeper Blog in Gallatin Gateway Gravel Pit, Montana.

“It’s 20 years from now, he’s going to be 63 years old, you have no idea what’s going to happen over 20 years,” Gibbons said. “Unless you’re going to put it into writing and put your money where your mouth is, then no, why should we trust you.”

Tracie Gibbons “Bozeman Daily Chronicle” – Oct 6, 2023

Predicting the future is indeed a gamble, but isn’t that the essence of every promise and commitment we make? Life, by its very nature, is a series of unforeseen events and changes. At 63, I might be as vibrant or even more capable than today. Trust isn’t about having guarantees in writing or financial stakes; it’s about believing in someone’s integrity and track record over time. We trust not because we can predict the future, but because we have faith in people’s ability to adapt and uphold their commitments, regardless of age or circumstances. Based on our family’s our track of over 150 years of environmental stewardship, I’d say the evidence proves that we are deserving of the trust of the Gateway community.

I suggests that when one is armed with truth and thoughtfulness, the best strategy is often to simply wait. This approach is based on the belief that those who oppose or criticize without a foundation in truth will eventually undermine their own credibility. As they continue to speak and act against something, in this case, a gravel pit, their arguments become increasingly absurd and disconnected from reality.

Over time, the unfounded nature of the opposition becomes more apparent. The more the accusers speak, the more their comments are seen as baseless and irrational. This gradual revelation of the truth is contrasted against the steady, unmoving stance of the person or entity facing the criticism. It’s an unfolding situation where patience and a commitment to truth act as a shield against the onslaught of falsehoods.

This concept also touches on the role of critical thinking in discerning truth from lies. It posits that people who are capable of critical thought will eventually see through the deception and understand the real motives behind the accusers’ actions. The opposition’s lack of substance and reliance on falsehoods become their undoing, as their credibility diminishes over time. The narrative concludes with the idea that truth, paired with thoughtfulness and patience, is a powerful tool that ultimately leads to the vindication of the wrongfully accused or criticized.

Special thanks for thoughtful, investigative journalism by Laurenz Busch Chronicle Staff Writer


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