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Working With the DEQ

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TMC Inc. is deeply engaged in a collaborative effort with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, a testament to their unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship and legal compliance. This alliance underscores a shared dedication to setting the gold standard in environmental integrity, ensuring that every aspect of the mine application not only aligns with but exceeds the stringent requirements of Montana State Law. This rigorous approach is a proactive measure, reflecting TMC Inc.’s core values of responsibility and sustainability, designed to safeguard the well-being of community members and preserve the natural environment for future generations.

The partnership between TMC Inc. and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality is more than a regulatory compliance exercise; it’s a bold statement of TMC Inc.’s ethos. By voluntarily embracing such high environmental standards, the company is positioning itself as a leader in sustainable industry practices. This collaboration is pivotal in fostering a balance between economic development and environmental preservation, ensuring that the natural beauty and health of Montana’s landscapes remain unspoiled, while contributing to the prosperity and quality of life of the Gallatin Gateway community.

DEQ has just released TMC Inc.’s update to the permit application to address current deficiencies. The granting of their permit hinges on a critical condition: absolute adherence to every stipulation of Montana State Law. Only upon fulfilling these stringent requirements to the letter will they earn the right to proceed. This mandate is not just a formality, but a testament to the unwavering commitment to legal integrity and environmental responsibility, ensuring that every step forward is taken with utmost diligence and respect for the law.

The application can be viewed at enter ‘3462’ in the ‘Opencut #’ search box and click ‘Submit’


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